We source premium quality materials from some of the finest producers in the world. We deal with companies as a directed source from the OEM's or our own approved partners.

Automotive & Technical Textiles
Automotive textiles are the single largest consumer of technical textiles with over 1 million tons per annum.
These textiles are non-apparel and encompass a broad spectrum of applications including interior components, carpets, fibre composites, sound and thermal insulations.
Application of Automotive Technical Textiles
- Seat Trim
- Carpet
- Headlining
- Other interior component

The materials we source have high levels of testing criteria insuring the suitability to the end user. These tests include :
- Abrasion Resistance : High levels of wear/rub resistance ensure incredible durability
- Durability : High levels of wear/rub resistance ensure incredible durability
- Slash & Scuff Resistance : Keeps product looking like new
- Stain & Water Resistance : Highly resistant to a variety of stains & spills
‘Buying British’ isn’t about blind patriotism, It goes above and beyond supporting British manufacturing. When you think of British manufacturing, the first word that springs to mind is ‘quality’.
Did you know? - Despite the decline since the 1970s, when manufacturing contributed 25% of UK GDP, the UK is currently the ninth largest manufacturing nation in the world.